TrixieSquirts Squishing Toesies in Shit!

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TrixieSquirts  Squishing Toesies in Shit! The website has moved!

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Description: Im out here in nature and I have to take a shit!! I dont want to leave my garden, its so beautiful.. should I just shit right here instead of going all the way inside the house?? Hmm, ok!! Here I go!! omg the poop feels sooo good slowly being squeezed out of my ass.. I love that I dont have to worry about where my poop lands since Im outside!! After I squeeze out all my mushy vegan poop I just cant resist squishing my toesies all up in that shit!! So much for keeping this a cleaner video due to time constraints! Haha nope! Its a mess lol. Enjoy the hilarious awkward cleanup at the end lmao. I love making poop videos! This is sooo much fun!! Where should I poop for you next? ...
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